
Saturday, September 4

Seoul in Nuclear Denial 

The tables have turned, and it is Seoul that is on the backfoot denying that it has processed uranium to weapons-grade.

Scientists at the state-run Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, in Taejon, conducted an experiment with .2 grams of uranium in 2000.

The Ministry of Science and Technology denies that there were, or are any plans to develop nuclear weapons by South Korea, despite the fact that there are dozens over the border in the North.

It is not the amount that was enriched that is the problem- about 10 kilos are needed to make a weapon, the 0.2 grams is nothing really. The issue really is whether or not the Koreans were making weapons grade uranium, and if they were, who assisted them, and do the Americans and the IAEA know about it.

Korea uses a lot of uranium for nuclear power, with about 40% of the country's power coming from nuclear power plants. Most, if not all, is enriched to the level needed in either Europe or the USA, as there are no commercial enrichment facilities in Korea.

This could be embarrassing for the US government, after taking a hard line with Iran and North Korea over nuclear issues. To have an ally enriching uranium in a war zone is not the best thing to be announced during the Presidential campaign.


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